This header is used indicate that the request has been conveyed in early data. Device-Memory It is used to specify the approximate ram left on the client device. DPR It is response-type header, It is used to defines the ratio of the physical pixels over the CSS pixels of the current window of the device.

It is used to define the ratio between physical pixels over CSS pixels of the selected image response. Content-DPR It is a response-type header. Accept-CH-Lifetime It is a response-type header used to specify persistence of Accept-CH header value. It specify which Client Hints headers client should include in subsequent requests. Header Description Accept-CH It is a response-type header. Warnings It is a general type header that is used to inform possible problems to the client. Pragma It is general-type header, but response behavior is not specified and thus implementation-specific. Expires It is a response-type header, it is used to define date/time after after that time that will be vanished. This header is used in deleting the browsing data which is in the requesting website. Clear-Site-Data It is a response-type header. Cache-Control It is a general type header used to specify directives for caching mechanisms. It defines the times in seconds of the object that have been in the proxy cache. Header Description Age It is a response header. This header contains the credentials to authenticate between the user agent and the user-specified server. Proxy-Authorization It is a request type of header. It allows the proxy server to transmit the request further by authenticating it. Proxy-Authenticate It is a response header gives access to a resource file by defining an authorization method. Header Description Authorization It is used to request restricted documents. Headers can also be categorized according to how proxies handle them: Entity Header: This type of headers contains the information about the body of the resources like MIME type, Content-length.Response Header: This type of headers contains the location of the source that has been requested by the client.Request Header: This type of headers contains information about the fetched request by the client.General Header: This type of headers applied on Request and Response headers both but with out affecting the database body.There are four kinds of headers context-wise: And a few headers can contain quality(q) key-value pairs that separated by an equal sign. There are a few header fields that can contain the comments. The end of the header section denoted by an empty field header.

All the headers are case-insensitive, headers fields are separated by colon, key-value pairs in clear-text string format. The HTTP headers are used to pass additional information between the clients and the server through the request and response header.
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